[OOTB-hive] Use of / switch to Discord server?

Olivier Anh twenster at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 17:30:29 BST 2018


I've used this service we can test : https://sandstorm.io <https://sandstorm.io/>
Open source platform, where you can use Rocket.chat on it. OR any othe the rady to be installed App. Could be an alternative : no maintenance from us, and open source...

Good point of Discord / Mattermost / Rocket.chat over IRC : you can reply to a specific message, and if you are disconnected, you still have logs.


> Le 14 sept. 2018 à 13:07, Axel Faust <axel.faust.g at googlemail.com> a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> in his last mail to this list, Younes has mentioned that we as the Board have been looking into improvements of the internal communication. One aspect of this is that we have setup a Discord "server" for the Order of the Bee, created various rooms and played with / implemented some integrations. All of this was done as an evaluation or at least an interim solution (with regards to how the new Board communicates among its members), but with this email I want to start the discussion about this potentially becoming a permanent solution.

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