[OOTB-hive] Volunteers wanted - Maintaining Community Support Tools

Axel Faust axel.faust.g at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 9 12:28:28 GMT 2017


The people that participated on the session were Bindu, Ahmed Owian and
myself. Mittal appears to have missed it for some reason - I have not heard
from him yet.
As to the question about minutes: We haven't taken any detailed minutes to
be shared via the mailing list. Primarily - after I gave a bit of a
monologue about the history/intention of the project, and my personal hopes
for the future - we mostly discussed practical matters. The general issues
of "expectations / responsibilities" of the maintainer group was covered
very quickly - all participants were in agreement that - with the proper
setup e.g. in terms of notification and future improvements regarding
testing - it should be easy to achieve the 2 weeks issue/PR reaction time
and 3-6 months "compatibility to newest Alfresco release" targets I
proposed earlier in this thread.

In terms of what has happened so far:

   - a public Gitter room has been set up in advance: https://gitter.im/
   - the project has been moved into OrderOfTheBee organisation during the
   session: https://github.com/OrderOfTheBee/ootbee-support-tools
   - a team has been created in the organisation for maintainers:
   - tasks for collaboration setup have been created and assigned, e.g.
   code of conduct, contribution guidelines, issues / PR templates
   - we decided on the basic fork/PR scheme we want to use (even
   maintainers must use PRs - no direct commit to master, all PRs must be
   reviewed, even maintainers use personal forks for preparing PRs, so main
   project only has master (maybe compatibility / bugfix branches sometime in
   the future) and fork projects have pristine master + feature branches)
   - milestones have been created for initial release to Maven Central
   (mostly as-is) and a first "real" release (target date on that may change
   when we discuss its contents in detail - I had to set one for the time
   - the project groupId is about to be changed so we can register it as a
   unique scope with Sonatype (Maven Central)

I reckon once the setup tasks regarding contribution information and the
initial publication to Maven Central are done, this can be announced a bit
more publicly to the community (blog post and whatnot).


On 9 January 2017 at 11:19, Angel Borroy <angel.borroy at keensoft.es> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Have you any minutes or so from this meeting?
> I was out last week.
> Thanks,
> Angel Borroy
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