[OOTB-hive] Workdesk?

Francesco Corti fcorti at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 07:58:04 GMT 2017

Hi David,

Which is the feature that you would need for case management that Share
does not already have?
Virtual folders has been migrated more than one year ago.



2017-02-21 1:18 GMT+01:00 L. David Zuluaga Botero <dzuluaga at apropia.co>:

> Hi Bees, sorry for writing so many times, but we're pretty new to the
> community and would like to contact people who have the same questions we
> have!
> I am writing now because according to some client's requests and some
> inquiries I've made, seems that the perfect solution is Alfresco Workdesk!.
> (case management and similar applications)
> However, the project seems to be deprecated, which I cannot understand...
> Since it seems to be an increasing need from the public, and are integrated
> systems that alike systems like Nuxeo has integrated, according to what can
> be seen really quick on their web.
> Anyhow, I though the Alfresco Share would have something similar.. but
> there's no trace of it.
> Luis Sanchez, a OOTB member, suggested us to retake the most recent
> workdesk version. But we'd like to know whether someone else is involved
> with workdesk use, usecases, implementations, etc.
> Should we have to develop it, refactor it?
> I'll be looking forward to your response,
> *Ludwig David Zuluaga Botero*
> Director Ejecutivo / CEO - APROPIA Open Source
> Celular/Mobile: +57 3004916896 <+57%20300%204916896>
> Correo: dzuluaga at apropia.co
> Calle 65 # 55-46 Parque E, Distrito de Innovación. Medellín, Antioquia CP
> 050010 <050%20010>.
> www.apropia.co
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