[OOTB-hive] Thoughts on Honeycomb that need your input

Nick Griffiths nickg at catalyst.net.nz
Wed Jul 13 23:44:39 BST 2016

On 17/06/16 04:07, Jeff Potts wrote:
> *2. Honeycomb should be available to consume in at least as many flavors
> as Alfresco Community Edition is.*

Hi list,

I would suggest that WARs and AMPs are our lowest common denominator,
and are a given.  Things get a lot murkier when you start talking about
orchestration and configuration management and things are changing fast.

I also think that the j2ee layout of alfresco apps makes our lives a lot
tougher, as any sort of orchestration requires lots of java-specific
skill in bashing j2ee configuration files.

How much nicer and easier would it be, if we could run something like

./alfresco-repository --config path-to-global-properties --port 8080

and pretend that these are applications, and not java webapps - who
actually runs these things in j2ee containers any more as was intended
back in 1998 or whenever it was?

To that end, I would propose that a shim/entry point for the three main
apps (share, repo & solr) would be universally beneficial to any kind of
orchestration.  A lot of the configuration management would be
simplified in this case and make it a case of whatever tools you are using.

There are plenty of ways we could do this, such as with jetty or
undertow, and I believe these days it's even possible to do embedded
tomcat.  I have some working examples of this if the community is
interested in seeing them.

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