[OOTB-hive] Alfresco community on Weblogic server

Jeff Potts jeffpotts01 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 22 14:57:37 BST 2016

Although the officially supported stacks are meant for those wanting
commercial support for Alfresco, it still is a good idea to stay as close
to these as you can, even when you are running Community Edition:


Therefore, I would petition your infrastructure team to allow an exception
so that you can run Alfresco on Tomcat. Why give yourself one more headache
for very little added benefit?


On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 7:25 AM, L. David Zuluaga Botero <
dzuluaga at apropia.co> wrote:

> Hi Axel, thanks for your answer.
> The requirement for alfresco ce to be on weblogic is because It's a
> corporate user supports only this architecture.
> The tests are run on Tomcat and we're trying to replicate it then on
> weblogic.
> What would your recommendation be?
> Many thanks!
> *Ludwig David Zuluaga Botero*
> Director Ejecutivo / CEO - APROPIA Open Source
> Celular/Mobile: +57 3004916896
> Correo: dzuluaga at apropia.co
> www.apropia.co
> 2016-08-22 7:21 GMT-05:00 Axel Faust <axel.faust.g at googlemail.com>:
>> Hello David,
>> I don't know if you have found the documentation for installing Alfresco
>> Enterprise on WebLogic: http://docs.alfresco.com/5.1/t
>> asks/alf-weblogic-install.html
>> Generally speaking, the Alfresco Community edition isn't specifically
>> supported / tested to be run on WebLogic. Since changes / fixes from the
>> Enterprise edition are merged back into Community it "may" run, but there
>> is no guarantee for a particular version of Alfresco.
>> Is there a specific reason you need to run it in WebLogic (architecture
>> policies)? Most users (even of the Enterprise edition) use Tomcat as the
>> runtime because it "just works".
>> Regards
>> Axel
>> On 18 August 2016 at 02:25, L. David Zuluaga Botero <dzuluaga at apropia.co>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> My name is David, I'm an entrepreneur from Latinamerica who loves and
>>> understands the importance of  open source.
>>> My company is based on open source software support, and I am currently
>>> doing a pilot on a big University in my City.
>>> This University requires Alfresco to be installed on:
>>> Sistema operativo: Solaris 11.3 or Oracle Linux 6.5
>>> Servidor de aplicaciones: Weblogic 12C
>>> DB: mysql.
>>> We've been strugling for about a month with this installation with no
>>> success.
>>> I couldn't find forum or documentation for this.
>>> Is there anybody who has done this before and can give us some guidance?
>>> Many thanks!
>>> *Ludwig David Zuluaga Botero*
>>> Director Ejecutivo / CEO - APROPIA Open Source
>>> Celular/Mobile: +57 3004916896
>>> Correo: dzuluaga at apropia.co
>>> www.apropia.co
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