[OOTB-hive] CE looking bad?

Andreas Steffan a.steffan at contentreich.de
Thu May 21 08:59:04 BST 2015

Hallo everybody,

I can't help myself, but the CE looks pretty bad at
https://www.alfresco.com/products/community-vs-alfresco-one to me (red
all over the place).

Seriously: Imagine you are a somewhat clueless prospect on that page
which reads " Ready to get started? Download the edition that is right
for you.".

Would you want to give the CE a try?


Andreas Steffan

Achter Billing 14
22399 Hamburg

skype: contentreich
M: +49 1793903615
T: +49 40 23943542
F: +49 40 23943542


Contentreich : Alfresco ECM, Clojure, Groovy und WordPress - aus Spaß und für Geld

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