[OOTB-hive] Honeycomb v1.0.0 - production release

Martin Cosgrave martin at ocretail.com
Mon Jun 1 23:51:50 BST 2015

Possibly it would be a good idea to let you know where to get it and how 
to get more details. :-}

You should get the source package from the release page [1] and unpack it.

For more information see the README [2]

[1] https://github.com/marsbard/puppet-alfresco/releases/tag/v1.0.0
[2] https://github.com/marsbard/puppet-alfresco/blob/v1.0.0/README.md

On 01/06/15 23:38, Martin Cosgrave wrote:
> Dear Hive
> This is to inform you that, in time for the 1st anniversary of the 
> Ordering of the Order of the Bees, we have our first production 
> release of the Honeycomb edition of Alfresco.
> Honeycomb v1.0.0 is a very complete release designed to run on VMs or 
> bare metal as a standalone (allinone) server.
>         Features
>   * Standalone build with repo, share, mysql and solr on one server.
>     Remote mysql supported now, remote solr and pentaho next version
>   * Choose from version 4.2.f, latest 5.0.x or NIGHTLY
>   * Installation supported on Ubuntu and CentOS.
>   * Puppet based, so makes idempotent changes and if interrupted can
>     pick up where it left off
>   * Simple bash based configuration
>   * Built in BART backup - run |./setup_backup.sh| after install to
>     configure.
>   * Reverse proxy and firewall preconfigured, offloading SSL to apache
>     and forwarding real ports (for ftp, for example) to unprivileged
>     ones managed by repo
>   * Can specify tomcat home and alfresco base, useful for putting
>     |alf_data/| on shared storage
>   * Built in postfix mail server set up to deliver alfresco mails to
>     the internet
>   * Supports using your own SSL certificates and if not supplied will
>     generate a self signed certificate, NOT MAKE EVERYONE USE THE SAME
>     SSL LIKE ALFRESCO DOES!! :facepalm:
>   * Custom Order of the Bee theme
>         Included addons
> A small list for now but soon to be growing
>   * Google docs integration
>   * Javascript console
>     <https://addons.alfresco.com/addons/javascript-console>
>   * Reset password
>     <https://addons.alfresco.com/addons/reset-password-dialog>
>   * Alfresco Records Management
>     <https://www.alfresco.com/products/records-management>
>   * Uploader Plus <https://addons.alfresco.com/addons/uploader-plus>
> Martin
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