[OOTB-hive] Honeycomb v1.0.0 - production release

Martin Cosgrave martin at ocretail.com
Mon Jun 1 22:38:26 BST 2015

Dear Hive

This is to inform you that, in time for the 1st anniversary of the 
Ordering of the Order of the Bees, we have our first production release 
of the Honeycomb edition of Alfresco.

Honeycomb v1.0.0 is a very complete release designed to run on VMs or 
bare metal as a standalone (allinone) server.


  * Standalone build with repo, share, mysql and solr on one server.
    Remote mysql supported now, remote solr and pentaho next version
  * Choose from version 4.2.f, latest 5.0.x or NIGHTLY
  * Installation supported on Ubuntu and CentOS.
  * Puppet based, so makes idempotent changes and if interrupted can
    pick up where it left off
  * Simple bash based configuration
  * Built in BART backup - run |./setup_backup.sh| after install to
  * Reverse proxy and firewall preconfigured, offloading SSL to apache
    and forwarding real ports (for ftp, for example) to unprivileged
    ones managed by repo
  * Can specify tomcat home and alfresco base, useful for putting
    |alf_data/| on shared storage
  * Built in postfix mail server set up to deliver alfresco mails to the
  * Supports using your own SSL certificates and if not supplied will
    generate a self signed certificate, NOT MAKE EVERYONE USE THE SAME
    SSL LIKE ALFRESCO DOES!! :facepalm:
  * Custom Order of the Bee theme

        Included addons

A small list for now but soon to be growing

  * Google docs integration
  * Javascript console
  * Reset password
  * Alfresco Records Management
  * Uploader Plus <https://addons.alfresco.com/addons/uploader-plus>

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