[OOTB-hive] [OOTB-ELECTION] Results!

Cristina Martín Ruiz cristinamartinruiz at gmail.com
Fri Jul 3 22:48:17 BST 2015

Dear bees

I am proud to announced the winners:

           Board members
R  V   P   Candidate
1  15  3.1  Oksana Kurysheva
2  14  2.4  Boriss Mejias
3  14  3.4  Axel Faust
4  13  2.8  Martin Cosgrave
5  12  2.8  Jeff Potts
           Not Elected
6  4  4.2  Tahir Malik
7  3  4.0  Heiko Robert

CONGRATULATION Okasana, Boriss, Axel, Martin & Jeff!!!
Tahir and Heiko, don´t worry there will be more opportunities to be elected
in the incoming elections :-)

The instruction how we've processed all the votes is here
All the votes can be audited here

To the voting members, I will send to each of you separately your vote
(checksum) as soon as possible (most provably on Sunday). You will have 2
weeks to claim in case you see something wrong with your file.

I would like to thanks Boriss for his support during the process :-)



*Cristina Martín Ruiz*
Alfresco Specialist
ES +34 626024141
BE +32 470404528
Skype: cristinamartinruiz1
Email: cristinamartinruiz at gmail.com
Website <http://ecminthecloud.com/> || Blog
<http://crisinthecloud.blogspot.com.es/> || *Twitter
<https://twitter.com/CristinaMartinR>* || *Linkedin
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