[OOTB-hive] Community contributions to Alfresco Software - Can OOTB make sure it is properly rewarded?

David Webster david.webster at alfresco.com
Thu Aug 21 22:02:39 BST 2014

On 21 Aug 2014, at 21:23, Richard Esplin <richard.esplin at alfresco.com> wrote:

> I completely agree with this feedback.
> It should have been called out in the release notes and the blog post.
> I do not yet know who made the decision to include PdfJS, or why it was not 
> communicated to have been a community contribution.

To shed some light from engineering on this:
The pdfjs work was integrated by one of our engineers with full knowledge from those above him, it was planned and conducted as all our internal projects are with no attempt to pass off others' work as his own. He worked closely with Will to integrate and upgrade the viewer (it wasn't just a cut and paste insertion) and Will, to the best of my knowledge, was in communication with Peter about it through-out. Peter and Will's contribution is recognised in the announcement made on the Alfresco site about the 5.0.a release[1] and both Peter and Will's names appear within the contributor roll call within the product[2] and also in the source code of the viewer[3].

Engineering certainly appreciate well crafted contributions like this & wouldn't like to give the impression otherwise (to the community, our customers or the developer) - we'll obviously need to work with Richard and make sure the kudos gets distributed louder next time.

[1] http://blogs.alfresco.com/wp/kevinr/2014/06/27/alfresco-community-5-0-a/ 
[2] https://github.com/Alfresco/community-edition/blob/master/projects/slingshot/config/alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/modules/about-share.get.html.ftl#L28
[3] https://github.com/Alfresco/community-edition/blob/master/projects/slingshot/source/web/components/preview/PdfJs.js#L34

David Webster, Senior Engineer, Alfresco.
david.webster at alfresco.com  | Twitter: @davidcognite

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