[OOTB-hive] Summit 2014 Agenda for the Bee's (London)

Tahir Malik tahir.malik at contezza.nl
Tue Aug 19 10:31:17 BST 2014


Maybe it's good to have a meeting in London to discuss some of the 
subjects here mentioned, like:
- Board members
- Members criteria
- Roles
- etc.

I suggest to do it on Thursday at 17:30 so we can take 30-45min to 
discuss stuff.
If any has another time windows suggestion, than that's fine by me. I'd 
even meet during a session due to the importance of this.

Personally I'm not really fond of mailinglists and like more GUI 
systems. Do if I don't repond too much that doesn't mean that I'm not 
committed to the Alfresco Community!

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