[OOTB-hive] What does this mean?

Ole Hejlskov ole at phpfreak.dk
Sun Aug 17 11:07:33 BST 2014

On 17 Aug 2014, at 03:02, Jeff Potts <jeffpotts01 at gmail.com> wrote:

> This is on the web site: "We are working on creating Alfresco OOTB Edition with blackjack and hookers." Is that a framework I haven't heard of or what?

There has been a lot of buzzing about this topic, and we need to be more clear this on the page.
The idea is to build Alfresco pre-packaged with the best addons, contributions, patches etc.

Think back to 4.2.d. “Edit online” was broken out of the box and you had to patch alfresco.js manually to get it to work, so by having a bee-edition we can ensure that everyone has a great time trying out Alfresco.

Also as we state on the page (which a lot of people seem to miss) is that we’re *NOT* talking about a fork.

I can’t remember who came up with the idea, but I think we need to get the scope defined and perhaps rewrite the part of the page since it’s been getting a lot of questions already.


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