[OOTB-hive] OOTB-Board

Jan Pfitzner ecm.expert at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 18:00:14 BST 2014


as the ootb-initiative is gaining momentum fast, we agreed on IRC that we
should form a preliminary board until we gonna do a proper election at end
of 2014.

The following bee are interested to form the ootb-board:
- aviriel
- marsbard
- bmejias
- ohej
(- jpotts)*

*We would like Jeff joining the board also but he is/was offline on IRC and
has not been asked yet...Jeff?

The board will be officially in charge to:
- organize the orderofthebee in general incl. managing tasks
- establish rules & guidelines
- maintain the website, twitter & Co
- tbc...

Please, could you all write a short reply if you're fine with this step or

bzzzzz, jan
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