[OOTB-hive] New submission from orderofthebee.org/

Brace Forms forms-no-reply at brace.io
Fri Aug 15 10:54:34 BST 2014

Hey there,

Someone just submitted your form on orderofthebee.org/. Here's what they had to say:

Tahir Malik

tahir.malik at contezza.nl

Hi All!

I'm Tahir Shazad Malik, am been working very long on Alfresco as a Developer. Started with version 2.2. and am still going hard with the latest version.

The first 3 years with Alfresco I was working for a company, then I started my own firm. After my own firm I realized how important the community is. So then I started contributing as in Jira fixes, blogs and after a while on StackOverflow.
After the first Dashlet competition I started writing addons and pieces of code for Alfresco & the community.

Now a days I'm developing a lot of stuff, mainly custom modules and I try to blog once in a while.
I just took my eyes of Stack for a few months and see that Jeff has gained me with his stats: http://stackoverflow.com/tags/alfresco/topusers !

Below is a list of my Community contributions. I probably forgot a bunch, but thats OK.

- Alfresco Advanced Folder Search
- Alfresco AND Search
- YouTube Dashlet
- Move2Folder
- http://www.contezza.nl/blog
- Older: http://blog.mitco-solutions.com/
- Mostly found in the JIRA
- SSO Kerberos fix
- WebDavLock fix
- Multitentant fix for using an email as username

It's there somewhere, just can't find the url. Maybe this one, https://plus.google.com/u/0/115523470853102526380/posts
Github (projects still need to be moved):


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