[OOTB-hive] New submission from orderofthebee.org/

Brace Forms forms-no-reply at brace.io
Fri Aug 15 10:22:30 BST 2014

Hey there,

Someone just submitted your form on orderofthebee.org/. Here's what they had to say:

Axel Faust

axel.faust at prodyna.com

80 % quiet background-developer from frontend to gritty low-level stuff, 20 % outspoken + opinionated architect - working for Alfresco partner company PRODYNA (Germany)
- speaker participation in Alfresco DevCon / Summit(s), local meetup and Alfresco Meet-the-Expert events
- Hackathon participant, minor contributor to JavaScript console (mavenization via SDK)
- https://github.com/AFaust/alfresco-enhanced-script-environment (including prototypical Nashorn script processor for Alfresco)
- lurking in #IRC for low-level questions to be answered
- blogging related to Alfresco (unfortunately in hibernation due to time constraints)
- member of team AMP


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